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Stevie Wonder and other musings

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FredPuli43 | 22:14 Mon 04th Jun 2012 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
Was it Stevie Wonder who was asked, patronisingly, about the problems of being blind and replied that it could be worse; he could have been black as well ?

Anyone else think that Rob Brydon should accept that he's never going to be a comedian? Or at least get himself a scriptwriter ?

Was there any reason for Madness to be on the roof? On the roof, maybe, but why Madness?


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Is that Mark Rae on top of the Palace that I saw?
My friend has just admitted that he thought Stevie Wonder was white.... See what I have to put up with!! :|
I believe the 'white' joke was originally Ray Charles.
As in 'Why does RC smile a lot?' etc
it wasn't funny then and it aint funny now.
think madness on the roof was to highlight the exceptional projections onto the palace, no other reason. The techies excelled themselves
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Didn't think the reply was meant to be funny; as a put down, pointing up a fact, prejudice, it was excellent.
The projections onto the walls of Buckingham Palace were amazing when Madness sang "Our house"
Rob Brydon, Lee Mack, Lenny Henry - none of them are actually funny......Michael McIntyre would have been a far better compere

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