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The Diamond Jubilee - How do Americans see it

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denis567 | 22:23 Tue 05th Jun 2012 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
Now that the celebrations for the Diamond Jubilee are over, leaving most of us proud to be British, I wonder how our American friends on Answerbank see it?


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I`ve been in New York (on and off) for the whole celebrations. I was quite surprised how little coverage there was on CNN and the like. Last year when it was the royal wedding they were all over it but they weren`t that bothered about the Jubilee.
with benign detachment, probably, the same as I wish them well on Independence Day.
I think most of us are also proud that you are British.

Seriously, however,, it has gotten some press coverage over here but not any more than the upcoming presidential election, the euro zone economy, or the latest baseball scores. Certainly, I personally am glad that the Queen has made it to her Diamond Jubilee (considering the alternative), and if you are all happy, then the world has been a happier place for the last few days, so that can't be bad!
They probably see it as a somewhat backward populace indulging in its usual feudalistic forelock-tugging behaviour, turning its back on the real issues of the day.
You should try to find the review of CNN's coverage on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart (on most links the video is not available in UK).
From what I saw, they were more interested in the lighting of the beacons than anything else for some reason. They had clips on the news channels about the Thames procession and the concert but they weren`t covered live. The lighting of the beacons were covered live though. Unfortunately, that coincided with when I had to come home so I didn`t see it on TV.
As an American in the UK-I can say that jno put it perfectly.
I don't feel particularly one way or the other...and certainly not as canary seems to think I should. I do like the way you do pomp and's a very British thing-and not to be sneezed at.
With interested semi-fascination... meaning, I'm always so impressed with tradition since, for the most part, ours ended, as far as any antiquity was concerned, with the defeat of Cornwallis.

Queen Elizabeth strikes me as a neccessarily reserved and proper Queen, nothing we could expect from any such female of position here in the Colonies...

"Dei Gratia Regina Fidei Defensor" (or something to that effect).

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