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My Friend Broke My Car

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joggerjayne | 21:00 Mon 21st May 2012 | ChatterBank
27 Answers

A friend borrowed my car for a few days, and managed to have an accident.



It's just the corner of the front bumper thing, but I've spoken to Toyota Insurance, and apparently they'll have to replace the whole bumper assembly housing unit thing, with the lights, and parking sensors, etc.

Just thought I'd mention it.


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"trade it in for a new model"

LOL ... bit extravagant.
It wasn't me.
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Well I HOPE it wasn't you, Hoppy!
I heard some time ago of a man who borrowed his mate's Reliant Robin on condition he took it straight to a garage afterwards for it's MOT.
He drove into the garage, called out to the mechanic and asked where to park it and the mechanic said, 'Take it straight in to the service bay, mate.'
This he did and drove it straight onto the inspection pit forgetting it was a three wheeler.
The front wheel went down with an almighty crash and he managed to bring it to a halt just in time. It had more than an MOT by the time the garage was finished with it.
Here you are JJ.

The accident is already on Youtube.
Aww, why not ask from another car companies?

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