We have recently moved house and as a result received only this morning a speeding fine from the 9th of May. Further to this it is in my partner's name when it was me who was driving. I am worried that because of the vagaries of forwarded mail that we have passed the 28 day reply window and now my partner will be culpable for the points. Please help. I am more than willing to shoulder the points and fine but am terrified that it is too late. I called them immediately but they are shut until Monday morning.
try to contact them first thing on monday, explain everthing , moving house and all that goes with it also that you were driving and can prove that your other half was not. remember that there is an ongoing court case re speeding on the M11.
This sounds odd. When I did some speeding recently I got a NIP - notice of intended prosecution. This obliged me to say who was driving. This had to be returned. I left it a while before replying and when I did I also got a day or so later a reminder. Did you receive a NIP?