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Birthday Celebration.

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droopdrawers | 21:15 Sun 10th Jun 2012 | ChatterBank
32 Answers
My husband is 80 later this year and I want to do something "nice" for him but don't know what to do.

He is fairly active, sociable man, tho I am not too active, which could mare certain suggestions.

I've thought of a holiday but that takes us away from family and friends.

Any ideas to help me make up my mind please.



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JJ, great dialect. ;o)
If you want some Caarnish humour, JJ, go to 2-22 on this one....a brilliant sketch
lady j ... I was with you up until the "having me crib" bit

mid morning break, JJ
LOL ... really ??

And I thought the Sussex locals sounded weird ... !!

jj i started to go to cornish language classes but could not understand what the teacher was saying in english and certainly not cornish. and if i meet him anywhere he always insists in talking to me in cornish. god alone knows what he is saying i certainly don't. i might have another go one day when i'm feeling strong.
well the Carrnish tourist guide is heading war-vann fer me bed-tse.
Night all....

DD - give us some parameters and we can help focus some ideas for you....
If you are in the London-Oxford area, afternoon tea at Raymond Le Blanc's Le Manoir aux Quatres Saisons is very special....(not cheap but stunningly memorable)
Whats the weather been like today DT? My niece is in St Ives pretty cheesed off in a caravan with 3 small children and Hubby ...... hope to goodness it stays fine for them this week altho its a lovely site with indoor pool :)
Ann - last one tonight - pretty awful, some big storms with mizzle running through though it improved around 4-30pm and we had some weak sun coming through....(this was about 15-20 miles further up the county)
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Thanks for the suggestions.:-))))

Cornwall is out as its too far to drive these days. The birthday is the end of October so I am thinking the weather mightn't be too kind for the Lakes. Its 300 mile drive too which I want to avoid.

I had thought of a meal out with friends and family, as we did for our Golden Wedding but found I was so intent on making sure everyone else had all they needed I don't even remember eating my meal let alone what I ate.

Thats the trouble with this ere getting old thing, it limits the options.

Hubby used to joke he was having a Disco when he was 80. If he had one now he's there I can't see it having the same appeal.

Another problem with getting old....your friends are also old, or as in my other half's case, many male friends all already passed away!!!
It could be a women's convention lol. A few years ago he might enjoy being the centre of attention of the ladies.

I think I might look into taking over a room, with staff, to take the work load..unless someone here has another suggestion.

Thanks for your ideas so far.


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