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Eccentric Colleagues

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EcclesCake | 11:26 Mon 11th Jun 2012 | ChatterBank
32 Answers
I have already mentioned on another thread the colleague who couldn't decide if it was a shoe or sandal day and consequently wore one of each.

I've also worked with a chap who dropped his trousers and pants and asked his boss if he had a boil on his bum.

Brighten this grey and wet day with your tales of the eccentric behaviour of your colleagues/friends/family.....


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Good question Rowan, I'd assumed fluff had the green mexican tomatillo. But the 'cute and ickle' comment suggests you are on the right track.
teeney weeney tiny smaller than grapes

For Funks Sake i'm out of here
They are lovely I can eat them like sweets...
I got mine from a little posey organics shop in Battersea... had them with olives and some mixed cheeses they sort of pop in your mouth
now i reckon shoving them in an olive could work, might try that later
Tomato's - yeeeukk!
I used to commute with a man who dressed completely in green: shoes,socks,trousers,belt,shirt,tie,jacket, the lot! He always carried a green briefcase and read from a green book.
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Wordist....was he very small and have an Irish accent???
My gap year, I worked in the North Sea for a while. One of the cabin had a thing for going to bed in a nightie - but how pointless was that as he would sleep with his legs going up the wall............
We have a colleague @ work who always has "disease of the month" rather than flavour of the month. Guess what she had last week? You guessed it - a bladder infection!
My wife went to work once, forgetting she had only put a light jumper on with no top underneath.
Feeling hot, she decided to take her top off................
The men in the office were never the same again.

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