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TWR | 10:26 Tue 12th Jun 2012 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
When you try to the best of your knowledge & ability, give out advise to someone that asks for it, how do you handle the smart @rse replies?


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Got an example? If I know what I'm talking about, I'd just shrug and ignore them.
ignore !!!!
Usually grin and move on... some are quite witty others are daft and will probably be removed... so not a problem.. I just work on the principle if I can help I can..the others are responsible for their own actions
Do you mean on here, or in the real world outside...?
I noticed a comment you made TWR...

Don't take it personally...
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Good answer Rowan / Boxy / Murray, I will not go into it, but it does not half Izz me off.
Accept that the 'smart arse' might have a point.
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I think you know what I'm on about then Ummmm? How N//Hapton this morning?
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If someones gives help Eivan to someone that ask's for it, fair play to them for talking the time.
Dull....but at least it's not raining...
ignore !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think some of the smart arse replies come from frustration with the same question/problem being posted with no evidence the poster has tried to search to see if its been answered already.. also it is tempting when someone posts something with a double meaning without realising to pounce on it... I'm guilty of that but I so try to follow with a but seriously...
I agree.

But sometimes we aren't always right, even when we think we are.
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I will be the first to admit If I'm wrong Evian, even if other people think different.
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Wait for it!!!
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How far from Town Ummmm?
It costs nothing to say sorry... had to yesterday...
some folk with their wit try to put a smile on your face however in-possible, however if it's a serious question then I avoid them and not comment unless One feels as though it may help. but for the most part I do tend to enjoy the wit of some answers, sarcasm or otherwise and bearing in mind most folk are correct in their opinion.
Give him the look, he soon shuts up
I can get frustrated with some questions when they are from long term users that have been asked over and over again to provide proper details with their questions and yet they will still post question after question asking things along the lines of "my car won't start, what's wrong?" or "my computer won't work, how do I fix it?"

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