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what's on tv mini crossword.

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cupid04 | 21:57 Tue 12th Jun 2012 | Crosswords
10 Answers
Coronation street character from the following letters:- PCIREETLSLA [6,5]


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stella price ?
21:59 Tue 12th Jun 2012
stella price ?
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Thankyou, should have got that, considering I'm a fan!
Have to say, I had no idea. Just googled what HK put as he was unsure : )
I don't watch Corrie any more so was uncertain.
Question Author
If i could do 2 best answers, you would be up there also. It's taking so long to
answer because answer bank keeps sticking. Are you having the same problem?
Do you feel liberated HK ; )
was on my phone earlier (pants) back on pc for a short while. Don't like the new firefox 13 (runs very slow) Went back to older version of FF, but the bl$%dy thing keeps updating automatically. The computors are taking over. Terminator, where are you when we need you !!!
FF13 is fine with me.
I have two PC's. 1 on win7 and this 1 is on win home. Maybe this old PC is not upto scratch for FF13's modern software.

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what's on tv mini crossword.

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