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8 Hour Great Gatsby

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horseshoes | 16:15 Wed 13th Jun 2012 | ChatterBank
3 Answers
I'd love to see this; what do you reckon the liklihood is that a theatre not in "that London" stages it.


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what about Manchester, Liverpool, Glasgow, they all have thriving theatre. The longest show i watched, admittedly spread over two days, was 9 hours. You could see it in one day, but felt my rear end wouldn't stand the punishment
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Oh I have plenty of padding Em. Liverpool would be great. We can get there in about 1.5 hours. London is just too far and too expensive - it costs a fortune just to get there. Fingers crossed.
perhaps it will do a tour of the larger cities, sounds a good play to see, if a little long x

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8 Hour Great Gatsby

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