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redvanman | 12:32 Wed 13th Jun 2012 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
Hi can any one tell me how to kill a sticky weed that is smoothering my brambles please thanks


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Ive always known this plant as goosegrass.
20:03 Wed 13th Jun 2012
Sounds like "Sticky Willie". Not sure of its proper name but that's what it's called in Scotland. I usually just pull it out by the handful. Roots aren't deep but would be difficult to reach through bramble bushes.
Found this article:

Some gardeners call it the Velcro plant. Others know it as Cleavers or Sticky Weed. My favorite common name for Galium aparine? Sticky Willy.

But no matter what you call it, if you do any kind of yard work or gardening, you’ve probably rubbed up against this annual whose seeds germinate in the cool wet weather of late winter and then grow rapidly into swirly, sticky stems of green that glue themselves to your fence, your pets, and your socks.
we used to love this plantwhen kids..pulling off the little green sticky balls,
chasing one another with them and throwing at one another...if you were
unlucky you got covered. Took ages to get them off.
That brings back memories,chi-chi66.We called it sticky willy too
We used to call those things 'Sticky Buds '.
To digress,when you were young did you make whistling noises using a blade of grass held between the thumbs or play a game with "Carl Doddies"?
We used to do that with a blade of grass quninie, you could also do it with certain types of leaves to.
Yes, we always enjoyed roaming the countryside-digging up arnuts, eating "soorocks"(sorrel?).blaeberries when in season,playing on rope-swings etc
quinie, I'm guessing that you are Scottish ?, I thing that we did the same things down here in England, same sort of games as kids but probably used a different name for them.
Quinie, introduced my grandsons to soorocks at the weekend. We were in Keith and Aberlour. Looked a bit sceptical at first but enjoyed it. Haven't heard of Carl Doddies in years (or hummel doddies either)
Yes,tonyav,different names in different parts of the country.I googled Carl Doddies-interesting how it got that name.
Yes,I'm Scottish-hence quinie-Doric word for a girl,though it's a long time since I was that.Probably "auld wifie"now!!
maggiebee, long time since I heard hummel doddies
Ive always known this plant as goosegrass.
It seems to have quite a few names,Georgiesmum-I've just googled it.I wonder in which part of the country it's called "Robin-run-the-hedge"??
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Hi Georglesmum have you got a couple of gees tp lend me THANKS

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