Crosswords14 mins ago
14 Answers
How claustrophobic is a regular MRI Scan? I know there are scanners for claustrophobes, but how bad is the normal one? Also, what do you wear when you have an MRI?
As others have said, it depends what you are having scanned. I've had a few, brain/head, spinal and small bowel. The head one was the only one I remember as being more fenced in (I'm not claustrophob ic though) as I had an extra thing over my head as well from what I remember, it was fine though.
The bowel one I had my head out and arms up and out as I had a drip...
17:35 Wed 13th Jun 2012
Ive just had an MRI. You either wear vey little or they give you a gown. It is a claustrophobic experience because your face is close to the tunnel you slide into. I got round this by keeping my eyes firmly shut. The operator talks to you all the time through headphonesbut expect it to be clankingly and knockingly noisy - like a guy tapping the sides with a hammer. Having said that it is only noise and if you keep your eyes closed it is done in about five minutes. No sweat.
As said, how such a sophisticated machine can sound like an old bag of spanners, I don't know! On the one I had you could take your own CD in and listen to that on headphones, or just (as I did) have Radio 2. Mine was for my shoulder, so head was 'in' the machine, don't know if you can wear headphones if you are having your head done. I just laid there and kept my eyes closed too. Just the noise that is a bit disconcerting, but you soon get used to it.
Its the noise thats the worse but you can press the alarm if things gets that bad.
The length of time depends on what there scanning, so if its just part of your spine, that not to long but if its your brain and full spine thats longer. Just keep your eyes shut, the operators talk you through it. You can usually wear loose fitting clothes, joggers are fine but no metal bits or bra straps.
I'm sure you'l be fine. just keep your eyes closed, that what I did. All the best.
The length of time depends on what there scanning, so if its just part of your spine, that not to long but if its your brain and full spine thats longer. Just keep your eyes shut, the operators talk you through it. You can usually wear loose fitting clothes, joggers are fine but no metal bits or bra straps.
I'm sure you'l be fine. just keep your eyes closed, that what I did. All the best.
As others have said, it depends what you are having scanned. I've had a few, brain/head, spinal and small bowel. The head one was the only one I remember as being more fenced in (I'm not claustrophobic though) as I had an extra thing over my head as well from what I remember, it was fine though.
The bowel one I had my head out and arms up and out as I had a drip attached with dye going in.
It is loud, moreso if your head is it in, but you have headphones (mine were pulled out on the way into the scanner on my spinal one so make sure they are in properly). Never had music.
The general noise is quite wierdly rhythmical to listen too. The banging is quite loud but when a friend explained it was something like the molecules banging into each other that caused it I found it quite interesting.
I think I was in a gown for all of mine. Just had to make sure no metal anywhere.
The bowel one I had my head out and arms up and out as I had a drip attached with dye going in.
It is loud, moreso if your head is it in, but you have headphones (mine were pulled out on the way into the scanner on my spinal one so make sure they are in properly). Never had music.
The general noise is quite wierdly rhythmical to listen too. The banging is quite loud but when a friend explained it was something like the molecules banging into each other that caused it I found it quite interesting.
I think I was in a gown for all of mine. Just had to make sure no metal anywhere.
I wore a gown for mine, and went in up to my waist - the nurses were really nice and reassuring, and warned me about the noise! They gave me a set of headphones, and a panic button and told me to keep my eyes shut and not open them till I came out (I'm a bit claustraphobic)They played nice music and it only took about 10 minutes or so to have it done. I was surprised that the noises were so loud, but it was all ok, and I wouldn't worry about having another one - and I'm the world's biggest coward! Good luck.
Something else that no-one seems to have mentioned is that the 'tunnel' is open at the other end. When I went in and saw the roof was just above my head, I didn't think i would be able to cope but when I looked backwards, and could see it was open and there was a big window there, it was fine. I mostly kept my eyes closed and gave myself something to think about. I tried to name all 50 states of America. When I got bored with that, I thought about my grandsons and then I listened to the noises. They varied quite a bit and I tried to identify them e.g. that one sounds like a washing machine. I certainly wouldn't have a moment's worry if I had to have another one.