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Why can't drivers wait until older people cross the road?

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sandyRoe | 15:09 Thu 14th Jun 2012 | ChatterBank
28 Answers
The little green man disappears before you're across the road and the waiting drivers are revving their engines and glaring as thought they'd like to run you down. I thought it was just me but this was mentioned on the news today


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mums friend when being hassled by a driver as she was crossing went up to the car and sat on his bonnet daring him to move...
Flashing amber is a signal that the driver may proceed ONLY if safe to do so and the crossing is clear of pedestrians. It is not advisable for a pedestrian to start crossing on flashing amber.

The BBC report I watched earlier showed that inconsiderate drivers are the problem by driving off before the crossing has been cleared, not the length of the 'green man' signal. The amber light continued to flash for many seconds after the elderly lady had stepped onto the pavement...

Ah, for the days of 'courtesy and caution'
That is brilliant Craft, oh and just for the record I wait until pedestrians are on the pavement before moving off.
Old lady trying to cross busy road.
Policeman "There's a zebra crossing further up. madam"
Old lady "I hope the blighter's having more luck than I am"
If it's what Id seen on the news the morning Sandy, that driver set off whilst the person was still on the crossing, the car was pictured why the hell did they not get his REG No & prosecute the idiot?
it isn't just you, i am not very old, just getting on a bit, but i find it bloody irritating there isn't sufficient time to get across safely. And some have to think, they will be old one day, so you won't like it any more than we do.
You should try Dublin. On the main square, the crossings have a digital clock on the other side that counts down the seconds left as you cross.It allows just enough time to make this interesting. The Irish love a gamble on anything that moves. I reckon they open a book on whether the next old lady will beat the clock.
I for one *don't* get irritated - even if I've got the hump and am in a hurry. They can take as long as they need to IMO.

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