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comfort food

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devil99 | 12:17 Sat 16th Jun 2012 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
it's grey and miserable here so i have done a fish pie with cheesy mash to console myself for tea :-) what you lot on?


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Its a lovely day here in the south east, blue sky and lovely sunshine so no comfort food needed!
some sort of sandwich, there will be meat, and maybe lettuce.
coffee & walnut cake from the farmers market
A slice if pizza left over from last nights takeaway.
stew I think..
The bus round to yours.......
I'm going out for dinner... Really can't be bothered to tell you the truth!
I'm home alone this weekend which is great as I can head to the fridge and pick at whatever I fancy whenever I fancy.

Cheese, pate and pickles are in the firing line for later.
Pasta bake for us, if I can be bothered to go and peel some onions.
I've got these red onions which are so strong that they really, really sting my eyes. They are shocking.
Piddling down here with me so it's going to be a nice big dish of pasta chez nemesis. Garlic bread and salad optional ;-)
Mixed grill.
I did two pieces of toast and spread houmous thickly on them followed by a large juicy orange. Delish! I am fed up with seeing nothing but grey skies and more and more rain. The only thing good about it is I don't have to water the flowers.
I am having lamb shanks later.

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