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Good morning early birds!

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waterboatman | 06:52 Sun 17th Jun 2012 | ChatterBank
75 Answers
Sunday morning. Cloudy, but no rain. What's occurring here? :o}

Have a happy day everyone.


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The suspense can be an ordeal tiggs! :o}
Thats ok waterboatman,I'm only little, lots of people miss me,Hope you have a great day whatever you are doing.
Have a good day Nora xxx
PS Let him out of the shed :-)
morning, very changeable, so will need brolly and sunscreen when venturing out..
Sparks did fly Alba and when I flipped the electrics back on the microwave was the only thing that didn't work. I think its definitely had its day.
good morning everyone.
it is sunny and a bit breezy outside at the moment, it will probably get very changeable again like yesterday (cambridgeshire)

no real plans for today. a couple of letters to type, some more quiz work to do, and a lot of tellt watching.

plus, of course, being on here.

early night tonight as i'm on 4.30 wake-ups this next week.

happy day everyone

Thanks for your good wishes everyone. See you later.
Question Author
Morning excel. Enjoy the day.

Time I was elsewhere. Have a happy day everyone.
see you later waterboatman.
thanks for the welcome
Morning Em x If it doesn't drip, just pretend the brolly is a parasol.

Morning Excel, 4.30 wake-ups, yuck.

Tiggs, I was most upset when mine popped, it had survived several movings around the kitchen, then 6 weeks in storage and faithfully served for a further 6 years. They don't make 'em like they used to.
Take care Boaty xxx
I only had mine for about 3 years Alba. It was a Bifinett from Lidl.
Bummer, I swear blind they have a built-in memory thingy for them to pop a few months after warranty expires. Some gadgets go 24 hours after warranty is up.
Like you say, they don't make them like they used to.

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Good morning early birds!

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