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excelsior-1 | 10:24 Sat 16th Jun 2012 | ChatterBank
32 Answers
cogratulations to kenneth branagh, kate winslet, et-al .. and of course all those unsung heores among us ordinary people.

this has given me an idea.
what are everybody's thoughts about an answerbank honour system?
the ED could open a thread every two months inviting people to nominate a fellow AB'er for the honour .. so there would be six every year.
nominations would have to be accompanied by a full and detailed reason of why that person deserves the honour.
the ED would then study all posts and decide on the winner for that bi-monthly list of nominees.
the winner would then be permitted to suffix their names in all posts they make with (AOM) .. answerbank order of merit.

only one nomination allowed per person.

i have someone in mind already - but i'll not say any more until i get some responses from you all as to whether this is a good idea, and a response from the ED indicating his approval.

thanks for your attention.



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It seems this idea has been pooh-poohed but I will say that if there was an award for Quizmaster of the Year then Excelsior should win it
11:56 Sat 16th Jun 2012
I agree with pasta
You agree with Pasta... well cazz that's you off my list ;-)
aww :O ... ;)
OK you're back on again :-)
It seems this idea has been pooh-poohed but I will say that if there was an award for Quizmaster of the Year then Excelsior should win it
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oh. thank you mrs overall.
that was out of the blue - you flatter me
Mrs_overall for entertaiment on chatterbank
tonyav for plumbing the depths
If cazz was kicked off arksided's 'list'...then I guess I was never on it.....phew!
Pasta, your my no.1, don't let it go to your head :-)
Righto, I vote for sibton, even if I were plumbing the depths.
It doesn't seem that popular an idea excelsior-1.

For future reference, please post this kind of thing in "Suggestions". I check and respond there regularly.

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