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I wonder if a proposal is in the offing.

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Traci66 | 18:30 Tue 12th Jun 2012 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
Daughters boyfriend has arranged to take some of our family and some of his family out for a meal on Sunday for daughters birthday, (he's paying), it will be the first time that all the families have been together and I was thinking, maybe he has a hidden agenda, she has been dropping hints for a while now.


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Or maybe it is just daughter's birthday. Don't be too disappointed if there is no announcement.
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But he hasn't done this over the past three years.
Oh, well keep your fingers crossed then.
Let mother nature take its course. If it comes, then joy and celebration (assuming you approve), otherwise celebrate the birthday. In other words, don't build your expectations too much up, as you may end up being disappointed (or relieved).
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I think she is the one more building her hopes up, she really wants children but not before marriage, (her words).
Better have a quiet word with her.......
act surprised if there is an announcement!
Let us know where it's happening, and we can come and watch.
Do what Roger Moore did as to his prospective son-in-law asking his permission to marry his beloved daughter.

"I am going to go and pour myself a very large Scotch, take a long, hot bath and think about this."
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Well they announced their engagement, he'd asked her a couple of weeks ago, but the big announcement was they are thinking of emigrating to Canada, really happy for them, but I have been feeling a bit down about the thought of her moving all those miles away, still OH and I have got plenty of family over there.
That came as a huge shock though, they have got some paperwork through, said they had been thinking about this for about twelve months now, still it's not something that is going to happen overnight, so I've got plenty of time to get used to the idea.
Traci, that sounds so exciting. Get saving up now and you can go to visit them!
they can start taking classes on igloo-building and baby seal-clubbing
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They are really good at igloo building already, last time we had heavy snow they built a six foot tall one in the courtyard, it was there for weeks, we eventually had to smash it down so it would melt.
that's good. Can they both ride caribou?
if it was a birthday meal, he would perhaps only take her.

the fact that he has invited both families leads me to believe that your suspicions may be spot-on, and he wants both families to be there for his proposal.

he is hoping you will all approve of it
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I am sure they can learn.
Hope all goes as your daughter wishes Traci. Canada`s a great country for young people. Didn`t come across many builders during my years there but god..........those lumberjacks and Mounties!
Perhaps he's going to present the ring at the meal, since they are already engaged.
Congratulations to your daughter and her man.

Gness, is there any species of man you don't lust after?????
(welcome back BTW)
Thank you MrsO. Well I would have said solicitors until I met the one who helped when I moved. He was a dish! So...........after much thought..........well no not really. Could you arrange some visiting talent for the village please......just for me? x

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I wonder if a proposal is in the offing.

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