Just had a phone call - you know my mum died from cancer aged just 59, a couple of years ago. Well her sister, my aunt fell ill last week - wen to hosp, did barrage of tests and she has the same and is not likely to last until the weekend.Has developed pheumonia on top of it all and is not conscious now.
Am very sad, and it make my own stupid problems pretty insignificant.
gosh, that was very quick indeed, Smowball. At least she will have been in no pain. tbh, I think that is pretty near to the way I would like to go myself (number #1 preference is dying in my sleep). I hope her family can cope.
Thanks jno. Details becoming clearer - she felt very unwell, had tests and was waiting for the results, whilst waiting this week she went down with pneumonia. Became unconscious yesrerday morning and results came through that she had cancer a couple of hours later. So she never even knew that she had cancer or was dying. Such a shock.