Yes I loved Lydia's tantrum over the lack of attention given to her by BB during her birthday. But she was able to turn on the tears during her phone call in the diary room with her fiance so it all came good for her in the end.
I am not sure who I want to win either. I suppose in the end, you always want the nice ones to win, Luke A seems nice and so does Shivonne, although she may get a bit bossy and opinionated as time goes on.
I would like to see BB get rid of the eviction process, the public could still vote every week but perhaps for a task or something that sees all the contestants remaining in the house until the last week, then we could vote them out one by one until the final night.
Although we hate the nasty house mates, they are the ones that make it interesting and true to form if they are up for eviction, they get voted out each week, leaving the more boring ones in.