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Watch Out Dorset, Venator is

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albaqwerty | 05:44 Fri 22nd Jun 2012 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
on his way !!

Have a blooming lovely birthday x


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venator's birthday today?

many happy returns of the day venator.

citizens of dorset ... lock your doors and hide under your beds!
Many happy returns V.
Happy Birthday ... big hug xxx
Happy Birthday Venator....

Or more like "lock your daughters away, Dorrrset, Venator is after some vestal virgins for the Apotheosic Church."

Thomas Hardy has nothing on the fine AB Pope....
Good morning all, and thanks for that.

A bit unsporting to warn the citizens of Dorset, so I'll have to leave off my pointy red hat if I want to do any pressganging!
Happy Birthday :-)
Ta muchly! off for breakfast - two bananas today!
Thanks, I've locked the door but getting under the divan is going to be a bit tricky.
Happy birthday.
Happy birthday to the Reverend Venator.
I hope you don't overdo it with the communion wine xx
Have a lovely holiday your holiness We will ensure the believers do not falter from the path in your absence
Happy Birfday V...♥
Hippo Bananaday Reverend

Have a good one (or two)
Happy Birthday Venator. xx
ditto Venator. x
Happy Birthday Venator x
And again " venator, have a great holiday.
Have a great day - happy birthday
home from work .. getting ready for the fayre.

happy birthday again venator, hope you are enjoying your special day (don't harrass those dorset maidens too much)
He better not go near my old bird in Bournemouth or else.

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