Friends Of Blessed Sacrament School (Preston)(Charity No. XT26395).
Our new quiz is now available.
This time our quiz is phrases with numbers in.
For Example; 52 W in a Y: 52 Weeks in a Year.
Sounds easy enough, but theres a few toughies in there!
Are you up to the challenge?
Closing Date: Tuesday 7th August 2012
First Prize £10 and Second Prize £5. There will also be a lucky draw of £2.50 which could be won by any entrant.
Please send £1 + S.A.E to:Mrs LA. Stickley @ 20 Woodlands Avenue, Ribbleton, Preston, PR2 6DT. Cheques made payable to: 'FOBS'.
or E-mail FOBSPTFA@TALKTALK.NET and we will E-mail you the quiz and you can send your £1 with your completed entry.
The 1st, 2nd and Lucky Dip prizes from our last quiz were won by 'AnswerBank' members.
Is there an error in question 25? For instance can you please confirm whether it should be 2 Q in a C (2 Quavers in a Crotchet) rather than 2 C in a Q? Thanks
There is no error with question 25. It is printed correctly.
Those people who have been sent the quiz by email.
It is sent in a pdf file so there should be no problem in downloading or printing the file.