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word equations eg 88 k on a p

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confuddled | 16:27 Tue 29th Nov 2005 | Quizzes & Puzzles
3 Answers
i know the answer to this is '88 keys on a piano' but can anyone tell me where i can find more examples of questions like these as i'm setting a quiz..


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these are known as Ditloids. A google search will turn up tons of sites. And just having a quick search I found that Ditloid itself means.........

The name ditloid was given by the Daily Express newspaper, originating from the clue: 1 DITLOID = 1 Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich.

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Muchos Gracias for the prompt and helpful reply!

A good website is www
Use the English version -- follow language-number and then click on language equations.

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word equations eg 88 k on a p

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