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David dickinson

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tinkerbell23 | 15:40 Tue 26th Jun 2012 | ChatterBank
43 Answers
Seriously is that fake tan?

Or creosote?



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He served four years for fraud after the collapse of a mail order company whose operatives ordered stock on credit, sold it and disappeared with the cash.
Back in 1961, when he was 19, he was jailed with his associates after their Manchester-based firm, Deansgate Mail Order, went bust.He said: 'I was a young bloke trying to get on. But I took the wrong turning and paid the price. It was a very silly thing I did. I got into trouble and I paid the penalty - and rightly so. I've never had a day's dishonesty since and I've worked hard to establish a good reputation in my antiques business.

He made a mistake ..he didn't kill anybody !
I go to similar venues in Lancs and around Skipton when I'm oop North. I used to sing but havn't for many years.
Not being able to sing is a pain. I`m really getting too old for my party piece of a reel or jig. :-(

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David dickinson

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