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Further to lateness thread.......

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Duncer | 20:19 Tue 26th Jun 2012 | ChatterBank
33 Answers
.............what other social gaffes/foibles get your blood boiling.

One of mine is people who stop for a blether in busy shop doorways/aisles. We should be allowed to tazer them!


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At the supermarket checkout those who wait until the cashier says 'thats £85.67(or whatever amount) then and only then do they say 'Oh Ive got these vouchers'and start searching their bags/pockets to find wallet/cash/card to pay for goods having spent time in the queue doing nothing when preparation could have been done.
Just remembered another one - ABers who nitpick.
People who stop to dither/find their whereabouts/find their tickets/just be a total pain in the arse at the top of escalators on the tube or just outside the ticket gate. Move you W*****s!
Nuisance phone callers trying to sell something, who say "Hallo. how are you today"
People who spell words on the Answerbank site wrongly.


The Spelling Police
People who order me to "Enjoy" their restaurant's food.
Feet dragging when walking
People who dont have money ready at checkouts
Or keys ready at cars
People who let their kids do whatever they want
Who dont thank people for things, general rudeness
Nosey folk really offend me- esp people who ask you to your face why you were at the doctors or something grrrrrrrrr
Agree with all of the above! must add cyclists on the pavement who go bombing around busy pedestrian areas and around corners without a care in the world; cyclists who use pedestrian crossings; and everyone in every Marks & Spencers I've ever been in who seems to drop to half speed the second they walk through the door and think its perfectly acceptable to stop in the middle of the aisle for no reason whatsoever.....i'm sure I'll think of some more shortly x
All of the above.

Note to self........never tell Boo how you are. Grand thanks will do.
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Sipowicz - am still trawling through the site and my work rosters. Many thanks for the help, in fact thanks to all who helped.
Person in front of me at the checkout using a mobile phone instead of paying.
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I was on the train to Manchester to see Pearl Jam last week and had seats booked. I got on the corresponding carriage and headed for my seat only to find a horde of people blocking the way and staring blankly around them, resembling ruminating cattle ina field.

It's really not that difficult, the numbers and letters go in ascending order. If you can't work it out yourself then perhaps you shouldn't be out alone.

I often see this at the theatre, gigs and football too and it is so damned irritating. Why do you think they put the funny little letters and numbers on the tickets in the first place?

It is to give you a clue, but you obviously, (and the current overuse of that word is another anger trigger), don't have one.

There! That's it. Basil Fawlty mode over for another while.
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................and I would like to add American audiences who whoop like monkeys.

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