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Good Morning All

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WELSHYORKIE | 04:53 Fri 29th Jun 2012 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
Morning all from a damp and windy North West Wales.


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Morning sweetcheeks xxxx

I think we'll stick with your thread please!!

It was vile in parts yesterday wasn't it?
morning yorkie, hope all is well with you too - sounds like we're having the same weather pattern as you
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Certainly was - the pictures on the news last night were shocking. I know she doesn't post on here anymore but I hope Bobbisox - and any other ABer in that region was alright.

Got to go out for a short while - i'm milk monitor this week and forgot to stop at Tesco to get the milk and in the fridge is about enough to do 5 cups - oh sugarlumps - back as soon as I can.
good morning Welshie [ long since gone?]morning Alba,morning sekee -well I took the dogs out [ for15mins] and it was sunny and by the time we got back it was overcast and windy thought it was too good to be true two nice days in a row.Taz [top dog - so he thinks] is moulting and its everywhere in the house drives me potty luckily Minnie [ streetwise rescue] has a horse hair coat and doesnt moult. Well we made plans to go to Leigh on Sea for a seafood lunch al fresco but doesnt look as though the weather will hold.
Have a nice day everyone. Dee
Bobbisox just let us all know u r okay pls ?
Morning dee xxx I'd forget the al fresco lunch I reckon!
Question Author
Dee - 2 threads running together. Alba and I pressed submit at the same time - go on to her thread at Good Morning Folks. xx

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Good Morning All

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