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Thinking of having a clearout

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tinkerbell23 | 15:29 Thu 28th Jun 2012 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
Sell on ebay AGAIN...see what i can get....Not sure i have much left lol

And use it for a trip down south to see some friends.....

When i dont have a holiday booked it feels like nothing to look forward to really!!

Good day everyone? Xx


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Seriously easy 2sp ive never made less than 100-200 at times!!!!

Im feeling fed up today and think if i had a wee trip booked id feel better LOL xx
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Not too bad today Tinks, visit to the vet with the dog, not too hefty a bill, on the plus side have found new tenants for one of my properties, they are moving in on Monday so at least I won't lose out on any rent. Hope you're okay xx
regarding postage, you can weigh/measure the parcel and look it up online. Then add a bit more for packing
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What are you selling tinks ?
Tinks, if you are running low on things to sell, why not do what I do and visit any local jumble sales. They usually sell items for 20p and you can make good money reselling on Ebay. Recently I bought £2 worth of clothing, shoes & bags from a jumble sale and turned it into £60.
If you're running out of things to sell Tinks you want a garage like mine in the twenty six years we've lived here the car has never been in it. Every time I clean it out I close the door and the next time I look in the rubbish gremlin who lives in it has filled it up again.
My garage is currently full of my attic. The problem is that my attic got moved into my spare room, I have sorted through it and put the get rids in the garage but the garage seems to be filling up while the spare room isn't emptying. Can rubbish make baby rubbish while no one is looking?
I wish I could sell some of my stuff. I just can't part with anything! Is it just clothes and that that you sell?

Oh I got that book you recommended btw... I can definitely see what all the fuss is about!! ;-) lol!!
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Sorry just looked back here!!

Usually clothes and shoes i sell or odd bits if makeup!! Stuff i dont want really but ive had loads recently so i may be running out. Just need some money so may have to have a look!!!! Get ruthless!! Lol!!

Good idea abt jumble sales etc i asked on here before about something similar!! Xx

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