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Hot battery knife to butter your toast?

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trt | 20:57 Fri 29th Jun 2012 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
Will this sell or if you buy, end up in the cupboard like the George Foreman Grill?

I dont have probs with my butter straight from the fridge.


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That'll be as much use as our smoothie-maker.... Needs 3-4 kilo of fruit/smoothie, and impossible to EVER clean properly. Gone into the small electrical waste recycling bin.
If the toast is nice and hot the butter will melt anyway. Yummy - I love hot buttered toast.
Me too Star, I don't need a special knife though.
If the knife is hot won't the butter just slide off it before it gets to the bread?
What the hell's this butter stuff? I can remember getting scrapes of margarine from next door's dustbin but butter was only for royalty.
I have one of these..................

absolutely brilliant.
Is it dishwasher proof?
I don't keep butter in the fridge.
Doesn't it melt, ummmmm?

I keep mine in an insulated butter dish to stop it melting
I can't imagine ever needing to plug in either a butter dish OR a butter knife. That's really excessive (sorry, craft).
A temperature controlled butter dish must be a symptom of the final collapse of civilisation. The final culmination of the evolutionary process.
heard abuty this 'invention' on the radio today! very silly!.......would never want to own one!.........waste of time!......
Anyway, we use our George Foreman grill....
I put just enough butter on a saucer and ding it for 5 seconds in the microwave so I can spread it on bread.
How FATuous
The only place we can never dig in the butter is a local restaurant, where they keep it in the freezer.
we just nuke the butter in the microwave for a few seconds to soften it just a little, no problem.
No longer eat butter

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Hot battery knife to butter your toast?

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