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Fuji Finepix z1 digital camera

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puzzlesRus | 17:14 Sat 30th Jun 2012 | Technology
5 Answers
I am trying to determine the best way to photograph magazine artiicles, using the Z1 camera, when my scanner is out of action. I assume that the macro setting should be selected but I am wondering which other settings need to be made. Any offers, please?


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just whatever produces a clear picture ... rather than doing it on macro I'd be inclined to get as far away as possible (to reduce possible distortion) and zoom in (3x zoom, yes?), and do it in the best light you can manage. Flash might help or it might just produce dazzle if the paper is glossy.
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Thanks for that, Jno. I'll try that, using different zoom/lighting settings. At the moment, I seem to be getting dark shadow on one side of the picture, using macro.
Using macro is no good becasue it has a very small depth of field , so youll be lucky to get the whole thing in focus, unless you know about and use focus stacking.

With macro you usually have to get in so close that you block out most of the light, so you usually need extra light, or to not get so close you need something like a Raynox DCR-250 macro converter lens so you can keep your distance and still get a reasonable amount of light in, but youll still have focus issues..

If you have a smart phone with a decent camera that will do the job, Iphone , HTC and others take superb pics and at 8megapixel which should be more than enough to get a decent magazine pic.
Sorry to add to your dilemma - you may run into 'interference' patterns because of the dots that make up any included photographs-especially colour! That's quite apart from the glossy paper as jno pointed out. Might be an idea to subscribe to a particular magazine and download as a .pdf file which will be free of any of the above problems....
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Thanks, everyone for your suggestions/comments.

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Fuji Finepix z1 digital camera

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