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Sunday Business Post 1163

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jimby | 17:16 Mon 02nd Jul 2012 | Crosswords
13 Answers
(1d) Such a spat potentially protects men. (11) C _ N_ R _ _ E _ _ s.
(19d) Cutting the male section of the building. (6) _ E _ I _ G.
(22d) Equip once more, making the object. (5) R _ F _ T.


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1d Contretemps
19 Hewing
19d hewing
^Can you explain Refit mamya? I see equip once more but not the rest
Question Author
Thanks for the answers Calibax, mamyalynne and Wharton.
Sorry Calibax, I can't.
1d is contretemps. Have the same letters as you for 19d but no soln yet
22d looks like refit but can u tell me where you got the 't' from as I have a 'p' as the first letter in 12d (patrol scout). Thks
This is for Calibax 22d refit. Umpire is 'ref' and object is 'it'
There is no 'umpire' in the clue?
Hi toocute- is the word Umpire in the clue then? The clue was given above as
"Equip once more, making the object"
THE ACTUAL CLUE WAS 'EQUIP ONCE MORE, MAKING THE UMPIRE OBJECT' the word umpire was excluded by jimby, I presume in error
Sorted, thank you.

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Sunday Business Post 1163

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