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How cool is this?!!

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Answerprancer | 14:45 Tue 03rd Jul 2012 | Music
5 Answers
Sometimes I've make my own picks - out of old debit cards, phonecards etc. Fiddling about with 'cut anything' scissors then finishing the edges with wet/dry paper. I wondered how long it would be until someone invented something to make them instantly - and now they have. I've just ordered two (one for me and one for a friend).


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Not that cool, but excellent all the same!
It only saves a very small bit of landfill, but what about your security?
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I thought it was good mainly for the convenience/fun factor rather than landfill.
Security?! it makes picks as well as destroying the card ! The bit with the chip could be broken up and thrown away.
I think your card issuer might get fed up with your constant replacement requests...
my sons dad would have loved that

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How cool is this?!!

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