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My answers not appearing on my profile page

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Tilly2 | 10:35 Thu 05th Jul 2012 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
Recently, when I've answered a question, it appears on the OP's post but does not register on my 'Questions I've answered' list on my profile page. Consequently, if the thread is no longer visible on the tickertape bit I can't see if there's been a response.


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Hmmmm. Not sure tilly? Unless you subscribe, but then you will get 100s of emails...x
because it is refreshed every 90mins ??? need to ask ed..
If its an old question thats been revived it could be 2 or 3 pages back.
Question Author
Thanks everyone. I thought the question you'd answered actually came up in order of answering, rather that date they were asked.
Use recently viewed nstead, they come up in the order you viewed them
Question Author
Thank you, woof.

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My answers not appearing on my profile page

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