Be careful. Having a water meter should just about break even if two of you have a bath or shower every day and do a fair bit of laundry and also have a dish-washer. But it does put off purchasers, especially those who have a number of children. Now think about the future. When the water companies have over half their custonmers on meters, with ( say) two-thirds of them saving money, they are going to find themselves short of money. When all customers go over to meters they will be even shorter of cash ( the water companies are lobbying the government hard for new laws and regulations to force meters on customers, starting with new houses, etc) So it is very obvious that the companies will put their prices up sharply once all their customers are trapped into being meter-customers. The water companies are looking at sudden huge increases in profits - just over the horizon. Fat bonuses for the fat bosses, do you suppose ?
Where have we heard that story before ?