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Internet "Script"

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legal girl | 08:38 Fri 13th Jul 2012 | Technology
5 Answers
When logging onto the website for The Sun (I know - not a real paper, but it makes me laugh!), I get a message that says "Stop running this script? A script on this page is causing Internet Explorer to run slowly....". Any ideas how I can stop this appearing each time? It's really affecting my reading pleasure!!!


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I often get that happening so will be looking out for the answers as well.

Hope it helps to explain what's happening.....Ron.
Question Author
Thanks Ron - you are an absolute star! All fixed.
Pleased to have been of assistance and I am delighted to have had a 'thank you'.

I hope the info was also helpful to Tilly.

All fixed here as well. Thank you for your help, Ron.

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Internet "Script"

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