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rain yet again...

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stokemaveric | 11:36 Mon 16th Jul 2012 | ChatterBank
57 Answers
i never thought id have seasonal affective disorder in the summer...


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"The poor cats keep looking out of the patios doors and look as thought they are dreading getting drenched again!"

Smowball, mine look at me as if it is my fault.
I quite like the rain, especially when it's relatively warm, but even I'm getting fed up now. The garden is growing at an uncontrollable rate (especially the leylandii)
Which one is you TOWIE ?
I'm the one in the maxi dress - this was taken at Pontins in Jersey I had won Miss Max Factor - hahaha
You are a very pretty lady & I think I have fallen in love again.

W Ron.♥
Arrr thank you Ron - that was way back in the late 70's. I used to turn heads, now I just turn stomachs.......{:o(
I've just tried to download Windows Summer 2012, the message was that it is not available in the UK
Gerroff. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
You old smoothie Ron :)

How's the job Dicky ?

As I said, Ron, life hasn't been kind.......(:o/
Funny place to keep a budgie ...
LOL, Towie - best stick with the maxi dress!!!
Budgie, Dave - nah, thats me money off coupons for the Quicki Mart.

Kiki, I like to let the hair, <<ahem>> air get to me legs these days. {:o)
TOWIEgirl are you trying to put me off ?
Nah, Ron - I am only jesting, thats not really me in the piccy - its Sqad on his way back from the Pharmacy in Menorca with his supply of Ibuprofen 600mg...........sorry Sqad I know you said never show that photo...{:o(
Yuck, if that's where he keeps his ibuprofen stash, I'm never taking the stuff again

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