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Olympic Security

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TWR | 18:18 Mon 16th Jul 2012 | ChatterBank
25 Answers
Is the UK an embarrassment regarding security, / & Border control?


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This 'not turning up for work' thing is very odd. Do these no-shows actually exist I wonder.
ichkeria it is because the guards will not be given accomadation and have to make their own way to the venues . look at the post before yours it explains it well. Would you travel for 3 hours, work a 12 hour shift and travel 3 hours back again all for the legal minimum wage and a job that was only going to last 3 weeks ? No food provided as well and even the guards can not take even water into the venues !
It seems that G4s has trousered the money paid to do the Security but obviously not made allowances for all events. Not good enough, who hired them and where is the recompense for bad decisions.
jamesnan your friend is going to find that schedule impossible, no one can work and travel for 18 hours a day for 3 weeks, it only leaves 6 hours to sleep and do every thing else . Even if he did manage it he would fall asleep on the job or even worse crash while driving, he must be driving as there is no way he could do that by public transport. Also I imagine the 3 hours is the normal time, almost certainly a lot more with the Olympic traffic and the overcrowding.
there is talk of the Americans being involved in security at the airports, bet they will love that

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