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boxtops | 20:47 Mon 16th Jul 2012 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
what's the daftest one you've seen? I've just been "suggested" to Tequila Mockingbird.....


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Lol boxy that would be interesting to see what she looks like.
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Damn, I deleted the link.... :-)
Seems like a nice girl ... you have interesting friends Boxy...
Didn't expect to be seeing pictures of a busty girl in a donkey head tonight (that's normally my Wednesday night thing)
O'er! What are you up to boxy?
One of her friends is Guinnevere Squirt Courvoisier. Sounds like my kinda chick.
I have been recommended to Judas Iscariot.
You've gone quiet boxy - you chatting to Tequila ??


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