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TWR | 19:59 Wed 18th Jul 2012 | ChatterBank
57 Answers
Is the attraction of The Answer bank?


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meow x lol
minx x
The warmth and friendliness of ABer's when you've wound one of them up and they've bitten big time
Listening to joeluke`s "down to earth" comments at teatime on a Saturday night. Is that before you go to the pub or after? ;-)
If I was answering glibly, I would say the attraction is being able to finish the Guardian Prize crossword every week with help from all the brilliant people on here.
But it's much more that that. It's the diversity of the Abers which I like. There are doggy people, bird people, garden people, clever Lawyery type people, people who can do maths, people who know Latin, and people who like a laugh. I like all of that. That's what keeps me coming back.
oooooh mick a vanilla slice. i love you forever.
gness - of course you found a site. where do builders work?
When I feel lonely I come on here and always leave feeling I have friends out there.
LadyJ... :-)
the gossip.............. :}
The laughs...................
Do tell, anneasquith,,,,,,
spot, i dont think there is any at the moment, but chatterbank goes crazy when there is juicy gossip. :)
Must definitely keep an eye out for that then
the craic. the company, best beloved works late shifts and I wait up for him to come home and I'm glad of the company here. and the fact that the people on here are nice with deliciously warped sense of humour
The advice and support and hopefully i can help or comfort others as they do me!!

Passes the time too esp when i cant sleep- its my little secret place xx
Agree with craft, the laughs, most of which she's responsible for - great sense of humour.

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