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Anyone watching 'Superstar'?

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Jemisa | 23:58 Thu 19th Jul 2012 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
My 3 favourites are Jon, Nathen, Roger...

You got any fave's?



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Well I've just had a shave ....does that count?
my fave's are your jokes jem much better than that dare I say rubbish there is far to much of that type of show on tv, come on jem get the jokes on ab please.
Keep changing my mind every night. They are all good.............
There's something about Nathan that I'm not too keen on, same with Jeff but I love Roger, Ben and Jon.
I saw some black chap "singing" earlier and thought he was terrible
The dancers on this show are naff, I think they are unnecessary and distracting, it's supposed to be a singing competition.
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magicmick, You flatter me but thankyou.
I do try to post a joke each day to keep the smiles going. :)


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Anyone watching 'Superstar'?

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