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Tizzi24 | 10:34 Sat 21st Jul 2012 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
I am sick and tired of the olympics already and they haven't started yet! Roll on when they're over!!


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Tizzi 24 ditto, the torch is going one street away from my house tomorrow- am I bovvered ? no, but I am annoyed that I cannot drive my car down the street where I live. cant wait for it all to be over.
12:34 Sat 21st Jul 2012
you are miserable. I am very excited and roll on when they start
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Not miserable bednobs, just hate sport!
ok, so i don't particularly like watching sport (seeing as the main offerings usually seem to be football or football), but it's really nice to see something different like gymnastics or cycling or judo for a change (especially when it's a home comp)
I'll enjoy it once it starts, but at the moment I couldn't care less!
embrace the moment...the uk will not get another ''big'' sports event for decades....
Tizzi 24 ditto, the torch is going one street away from my house tomorrow- am I bovvered ? no, but I am annoyed that I cannot drive my car down the street where I live. cant wait for it all to be over.
Why the heck would you start a thread about something you are sick and tired of?
Young athletes have been training for 4 years to get to participate in this great event. Thank goodness we don't all have your attitude.
I'm really looking forward to it and echo what bednobs has said in her two posts.
I've been enjoying the tv programmes about various sports people too, gives you a bit of an insight into their lives.
The only think I don't like or agree with is that the Olympic logo can't be used by the bagel thing and the farmer who had to remove his round hay bales. Just puts people's backs up instead of getting everyone in the mood.
I'm not very interested,but at least the torch thingy got people 'together',which is pretty rare these days,though the feel good effect will be gone too soon
I'm really looking forward to it, and think it will be marvellous. I vividly remember being in a bar in Italy and cheering when Steve Redgrave won, then realising the Italians had finished second (I slunk out quite quickly)
I tend to agree. But I like sport and am basing my opinion on my own personal inconveniences (not being able to take annual leave, a hideous commute that will likely become unbearable etc...) and the finances of the country, (you don't throw a massive party inviting all and sundry when you're broke); usually I quite like the olympics and enjoy watching various events. I'm actually hoping that just to spite me everything will go like clockwork, we'll make a tidy profit as a country and that it will generally be a positive boost to all.... I wouldn't mind being proved wrong if that happened :c)
Tizzi i agree I for one wont be watching oh and i see that sky in their infinate wisdom have lots of channels dedicated to olympics! no wonder they are putting their subscription fees up !!!!! i love sport but im so sick of the hype and the reporting overkill !!!
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Thank you for all your comments, even though I disagree with 98% of them!

ladybirder - I thought that was what Chatterbank was for - to have a chatter and express opinions! It would be a boring life if we all felt the same way about things.
I agree with you, Tizzi.

About ChatterBnak.

Not about the Olympics.

I disagree with you about the Olympics.

Just watch the Womens match sprint cycling Final on 7th August at 5.26pm. It's almost certain to be a head to head between Victoria Pendleton (GB) and Anna Meares (Australia).

If it is ... it's going to be AWESOME!
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Well, I hope you enjoy the olympics jane! Fortunately I shall be on holiday from 4 August, so thankfully will miss nearly all of it. If I were home, I wouldn't be watching the sprint cycling final anyway, I have better things to do with my life! Lol x

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