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can i still cllaim my ppi

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jab1 | 19:44 Wed 25th Jul 2012 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
recently found out that i have pad ppi on a loan taken out in 2001 with a company called carrington carr which no longer exists. I also found out that they were not registered with the fsc unti 2004 can i still claim and how?


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You can only go back 3 years I understand Jab.
I don't know personally. All I would say, jab 1, is, if you go through one of these companies who say they will do everything for you, be careful who you choose.
I know someone who did it and they took a third of the total reimbursement in 'commission'.
Older insurance that's still active, or ended within the last six years: You can start a reclaim. The six year rule applies to active insurance, so a policy taken out 12 years ago but paid off five years ago was still active within the key six year period.

If your policy ended over six years ago: If this is the case, the ‘statue of limitations’ means banks don’t need to keep records. Yet the Ombudsman doesn't officially have a cut-off time. So if you’ve still got the paperwork, while your chances of success are a little lower with older loans, many still do successfully reclaim.
You don't need any company to do it for you. Just follow the advice/templates on the Martin Lewis Money Saving Expert's website.
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thanks for the replies guy. I really need guidance weather i can claim because the company no longer exists and was'nt registered with the fsc at the time of loan?
Personally I wouldn't bother.

Who are you going to claim from?
I put a claim in with RBS for a loan I took out in 2005. Not only did they pay out on that but they went back to 1994 to my first ever car loan with them It took eighteen months to settle because of the appeal that went throught the High Court but I got a heck of a lot more than I expected. Just read the forums on Martin Lewis's site and ask for help. Always worth the price of a stamp.

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can i still cllaim my ppi

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