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british Television programmes

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golfingpro | 18:48 Thu 26th Jul 2012 | Quizzes & Puzzles
12 Answers
Please could someone clarify the following:

Both appear to have the wrong number of letters
many thanks


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Can't make anything of the other one, are you sure of your letters?
The numbers are definitely wrong on 60!
Question Author
62 has the same letters and the numbers are (3,5,9) so The hotel inspector woks for that one. Think No 60 can only be wrong.
60) is the price is right
73 ) is who wants to be a millionaire
Letters were wrong.
I need 94, 95. Have you got these.
what are the letters for those, huggy?
94) aaddeggimmmnnoruy, 4,5,3,5
95 )aeeehilnosstswxyy 3,4,3,2,5
This is my last two

Thank you
95. The Only Way Is Essex
94] seen as Mary Mungo and Midge
Thank you katburd
no bother, huggypie

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british Television programmes

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