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Not so bad afternoon

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tinkerbell23 | 15:26 Fri 27th Jul 2012 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
Stitching together some patches- by hand!!

Sitting over a machine doing patch by patch gives me a sore back and when the machine unravels itself sometimes i could go mad LOL

Find it easier to sit and do small bits by hand the stitch them together!!!

Neighbours kids are stupidly loud- i mean really really bad. Ive mentioned before!!!

It was raining earlier- mabye it will rain again soon LOL

You all having a nice day!!? Xx


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tell the wains to shurrup tinks :-D

The joys of stitching by hand=a darned good grin at the end xxx
hello tinkerbell.

i'm having a lazy afternoon watching catch-up recorded tv as i have been away for two days.
i'm also creating a word-search grid as a competition for the company newsletter.

weather is fine (a little cloudy)
Question Author
Im a second away from shouting out the door!! Theres NO need to scream at the top of their lungs i dunno how their parents allow it!!!!

I enjoy doinh each wee patch thats a big big pile of twos i have now ! Im makin em into rows of 19 the ill sew them together and tighten by machine.

I seen a college course- 10wks.... OR i saw an ad , a woman offering "couture lessons" from her home. What do you think?? (sewing dressmaking etc)

Excels did you have a nice time? I guess mines is a lazy day too hehe xx
i had a great - but expensive time, thank you.

can you not go ask these kids to tone it down?
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Ive often wanted too but the parents said not to!! Haha. I could scream my head off at them tbh!!! Lol

Glad you had a nice time- stuff it its only money!!!!! Xx
indeed it is....and the girls have always been worth it.
I'm envious of you doing your patches tinks. I used to do it, but haven't done it for years. Make sure you have a plan for the pattern, even if you want it to be random. Good luck.
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Its just random random random- im just trying to make sure they "flow" not too many gingham together or too much blue or pink- aside from that its whatever! Hehe ill upload a pic- but its very much a work in progress

Well excels ill be saying tht too when i make a wage! There wil be no clothes left in the local shops haha and ebay will breakdown hahahahahaah ill be buy buy buyin xxxx

british economy look out, tinkerbell is coming (ha-ha)
Headline in Daily Mail: Tink saves economy!

Glad you are enjoying the patches.
Question Author
Hahahh i will single handedly save the economy. Haha!!

Yeah im enjoying them but will have to move soon! Witching hour soon when the mother arrives home from work :0(

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Not so bad afternoon

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