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A view from abroad

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Buenchico | 00:09 Sat 28th Jul 2012 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
Well, several actually:

(I just thought that it might interest some of the people who've been posting during the ceremony)


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As I said on another thread, if you`re British you`ll get it but if you`re not, you won`t.
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Some of the more recent TV references didn't make much sense to me ('cos I'm an old fogey) but there were plenty of things which the majority of foreigners would understand (e.g. James Bond, Mr Bean, etc).
I think some of those views are very harsh and labeling us racists braggers how dare they....
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Well, if we're being criticised as 'racist' that balances quite well with the accusation that it was 'too multicultural'!
What are they saying in Afghanistan?
They are top of the Medals table .
Ah, Zimbabwe. :)
In its review of the ceremony, Nice Matin described David Beckham as 'the Spice Boy of English football' ! Victoria will be pleased.
perhaps Marmite should have been included in the ceremony
mmmmm Marmite!

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A view from abroad

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