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Jeza | 18:05 Sun 29th Jul 2012 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
I see my thread has gone. From what I saw of it (I have been away for a few hours) I did not see anything untoward, apart from HC saying he was reporting it. Night all.


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See you Jeza, by the way don't worry about it. Crap happens.
Don't worry jeza, we've all been there, best wishes to micmac and yourself
Bye Jeza, don't worry. As far as I'm aware you did nothing wrong. Take care xx
Have a good evening xx
HC ?
Night Jeza..............I can't remember all the threads I've had removed :-)
Or the threads you have caused the removal of ... ;0)
Go to bed Mick
Well, that as well Mick :-)
No ..... Dad
Ok .....if you read me a story....
once upon a time....why are you not asleep yet?
When the names for the 2003 version of Dexys Midnight Runners Group were finally announced a collective cheer went up amongst Dexys fans at the inclusion of Mick Talbot. Mick's skills on Hammond and Keys are well known and appreciated in Dexys/postpunk/mod-revivalist circles.

Now go to bl00dy sleep . . . .

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