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Plans for tonight?

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tinkerbell23 | 17:11 Mon 30th Jul 2012 | ChatterBank
30 Answers
What are you upto tonight?

I think its just a tv marathon for me, ive had something to eat so mabye just a snack later...

Got a new candle for my room, will light that and watch tv..unless any friends text and are free i may go visiting..

I feel like i need to chill out though...was almost a tad panicky earlier! Comes & goes & i am fiiiine xxx


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''I've banned drink, junk food and bad carbs for the timebeing.''

Just as long as you're still smoking... one vice is ok.
I know how you feel NM, I had white fillings done in 2 molars and my whole mouth was numb into the night. Mind you, that was due to having 4 injections because every time the dentist went near a nerve, I was clawing the ceiling.
crikey 5 weeks and not a drink, that matches my New Year purge.....has the weight come down? I am thinking about a shorter late August purge....
That is something I need to work on, Snags. Lol

My smoking increased significantly a couple of months ago - mainly down to anxiety.

DT ... Looking and feeling better than ever!
I stopped drinking about 5 years ago. Come to think of it, I stopped smoking 5 years ago as well.
good to hear - entering the Miss AB competition per chance?
Miss AB competition?


How's the car, Tinks? X
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Miss ab? In those heels nom i think you are in with a chance!!

Glad you are feeling great...i had a stodgey weekend...(TGI fridays yesterday) so think this week ill try to eat a bit better....

Car is brill really easy to drive there is no stopping me. Ive been up and down the motorways lol...keeping petrol going on jsa isnt easy but 5wks and counting ill be making a wage woohoo!!!! Xxx
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Ps just need a hot male passenger ;0>
BBC2 9PM, Mars, this is going to be very interesting.

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