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What do the Americans really think of us Brits?

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bugsy | 18:08 Mon 30th Jul 2012 | ChatterBank
23 Answers
I'm not being paranoid here, but my recent interactions with Americans, has suggested they harbour negative oppinions.


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Quaint springs to me, I was asked to speak, lots, in California. Not sure they were bothered about what I said, just to hear the accent. Had the "London" thing too, and was quite amazed some of them had heard of Shropshire, got sheep mentioned a fair bit!

Shock when I was asked to describe in a gym class what we wore for PE back home and gasps when I got to the skirt bit!?!

Oh and I met some people who thought James Bond was real and whether we have afternoon tea every afternoon :)

Didn't hear any negative impressions there. New York nobody really notices as so many tourists. A lot of my brother's inlaws probably got it out the way with my brother before they met us :)

One weird one was in a Starbucks in Toronto, the nice guy serving asked if he could guess where my accent was from, was waiting for the unoriginal England/Britain... and he said West Midlands. I was quite astounded, I hadn't lived there for over 10 years and didn't have a strong Shropshire accent anyway, especially since living in places with far stronger accents!
We all have rotten teeth.
Yes, I agree. They do think we have bad teeth

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