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Skype on laptop

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galasalmon | 13:43 Sun 29th Jul 2012 | How it Works
2 Answers
Can anyone help please ,
I have Skype on ordinary computer and the same name etc is also connected to the laptop, however when I get to name and password for it a ? things appears which covers sign in ,

saying cut copy paste etc and it wont work , I have tried without add- ons and it still appears,

Thank you for any help.


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To give the techies something to go on, does the laptop connect to the same router (via wifi, I presume) as the ordinary computer?

Do you have one of those 'auto fill' programs running that login and passwords, and with the laptop your have not set it up?
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Laptop has been set up for ages and was checked at begnning of year but I didn't mention Skype at the time thought it would be easy when ordinary computer is connected to same router , Thank you for replying .

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Skype on laptop

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