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to lady-Janine

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excelsior-1 | 07:02 Sat 04th Aug 2012 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
good morning.

i'm just wondering how you are doing this morning, after your unfortunate tumble -- and subsequent plastering.

i know that you were in pain .. i hope you can manage to sleep alright.

my thoughts are with you. X


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thanks excel for your concern. feel a bit of a fraud as there are people so much worse off than me and their props are permanent, at least mine will heal.some solfadol (prescription for oh) and i'm knocked out for a while.

feel fereverish. is this natural?
or even feverish
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feaverish .. hmm. a slightly elevated temperature --- it could mean any one of a few possibilities, so i cannot say precisely what it may be.
not ladylike but sweating like a pig is phrase that comes to mind
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i would not wish to be alarmist -- but that might be the symptom of a slight infection.
It's clammy today here, LJ, are you sure it's you and not the weather?

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to lady-Janine

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