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moonraker558 | 01:20 Mon 06th Aug 2012 | ChatterBank
3 Answers
Just been for a walk, it is so mild with no breeze whatsoever, perhaps this is the start of the weather warming up this week. Nice to see the stars as well.


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Id love to go a stroll.....but with the mildness,..comes my seriously bad hayfever....i can hardly see right now my eyes are sooo sore and swollen :0( x
Hi Moony - mild it is though we have have thunder and monsoon type rain all day, here's hoping it picks up. Hope you are well. ♥
I came across the Atlantic last night. It was very calm all the way. We might not get any sun or dry weather but I don`t think there`ll be too much turbulent weather coming our way for a few days.

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