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Just shows how important spelling really is.........

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dotty. | 20:21 Mon 06th Aug 2012 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
Great Britain have just won Gold
Australia have just one Gold



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Clever dotty hehe ;0> x
The spelling's fine dotty it's the choice of words that matter ;o)
Shades of eats shoot and leaves lol
I thought it was....eats shoots and leaves
Totally off topic but can anyone guide me as how you post a question on here? It used to be easy but I am confused.......
miss meg..go into whichever category you want and you will see the box .. type question at the top once this is filled in you are then offered the dialogue box to expand
Click on the topic you want to post a question in. At the top is says type your question here. Put the heading and then it expands for you to add more.
I dohnt think speling iz awl that importent. aye bett moast peepul reed this rite.
Itz surtanly not wurth getting yaw nickas in a twist ova.
mo jo...a fink yoo kood bee rite
Iy no Murry. peepl shud rulax moar
I disagree, spelling rools.
Oh Prudie I laffed.
Bad spellers of the world untie!

A little joke by the Spelling Police.
The Aussies have plenty of silvers though. Wallabies? Wannabes more like ;-p

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Just shows how important spelling really is.........

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