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Radiators with flaking paint.

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needawin | 19:09 Fri 03rd Aug 2012 | DIY
5 Answers
Had new radiators fitted couple of years ago. All downstairs ones, the paint is flaking on the top. Have rubbed them down and repainted a few times but still flake. Any suggestions?


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They may need a primer on them before you top coat them.
Might be a silly question but are you using radiator paint?
...and make sure that you wait until the radiators are cold before you paint them.
The reason regular oil-based paint (for doors, window cills etc) flakes is the continual extreme change in temperature. As Ecclescake says you can buy radiator paint which is specifically designed for radiators. It's sold in the paint section of any DIY store and it says 'Radiator Paint' on the can.

Hope that helps.
Whenever I decorate I use the same emulsion paint on the radiators as used on the wall, this helps the radiator to blend into the background. I have been doing this for thirty odd years and have never had a problem with flaking or anything else.

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Radiators with flaking paint.

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